Tulamben Dive Center

Tulamben is a village located in Kubu district, regency, Bali. This village is one of the famous recreational diving in Bali, especially around the location of USAT Liberty shipwreck (a cargo ship in the United States soldiers who drowned after a boat sunk by Japanese submarine in 1942).
Tulamben Diving

Dive site is one of the easiest place to enjoy recreational dives underwater scenery around the shipwreck. Divers of all skill levels can do the dives in this place. This location can be reached directly from the beach and is located approximately 25 meters from the beach, with a depth of 5 meters to 30 meters below sea level. During the holiday season, more than 100 divers near the wreck every day. The name comes from batulambih Tulamben, which means "a lot of rock ", referring to the eruption of Mount Agung that affect this place from time to time. This name was changed to Batulambih and the popular name of it is Tulamben.



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